EBISUYA is for your wonderful dining experience with Seafood & Japanese cuisine.
Sashimi Set  / 刺身セット, 활어회세트
Sashimi Set of Lapu-Lapu and Seabream
Lapu-Lapu Sashimi Set / ラプラプ魚,다금바리회・・Medium 2500 P, Large 2800 P
お通し / 애피타이저
Small bowl  
小鉢 / 작은 음식
Sushi 8pieces  
寿司 8貫 / 스시 8피스
Grilled dish  
焼き物 / 구이
Deep-fried dish  
天ぷら / 덴프라
Lapu-Lapu Sashimi  
ラプラプ刺身 / 다금바리회
pot of Lapu-Lapu  
お鍋物 / 매운탕
This image may be different from the original products.
Snapper Sashimi Set / タイ,도미회・・Medium 2500 P, Large 2800 P
お通し / 애피타이저
Small bowl  
小鉢 / 작은 음식
Sushi 8pieces  
寿司 8貫 / 스시 8피스
Grilled dish  
焼き物 / 구이
Deep-fried dish  
天ぷら / 덴프라
Lapu-Lapu Sashimi  
ラプラプ刺身 / 다금바리회
pot of Lapu-Lapu  
お鍋物 / 매운탕
This image may be different from the original products.
Chef's Choice Course  / おまかせコース, 쉐프추천코스
Traditional Japanese seasonal meal brought in chef's choice courses.
HANA Course / 華(はな), 하나・・・1000 P (1 person)
お通し / 애피타이저
Small bowl  
小鉢 / 작은 음식
刺身 1種 / 회 1종
Grilled dish  
焼き物 / 구이
Sushi 6pieces  
寿司 6貫 / 스시 6피스
お碗物 / 스프
デザート / 디저트
MIYAVI Course / 雅(みやび), 미야비・・・2000 P (1 person)
お通し / 애피타이저
Small bowl  
小鉢 / 작은 음식
Assorted sashimi 3  
刺身 3種 / 회 2종
Grilled dish  
焼き物 / 구이
Deep-fried dish  
天ぷら / 덴프라
Sushi 7pieces  
寿司 7貫 / 스시 7피스
お碗物 / 국
デザート / 디저트
NISHIKI Course / 錦(にしき), 니시키・・3000 P (1 person)
お通し / 애피타이저
2small bowls  
小鉢 2品 / 작은 음식 2
Assorted sashimi 5  
刺身 5種 / 회 5종
Grilled dish  
焼き物 / 구이
Deep-fried dish  
天ぷら / 덴프라
Sushi 8pieces  
寿司 8貫 / 스시 8피스
お碗物 / 국
デザート / 디저트
In any reservation, you will get a better service.
Dinner Set Meal  / ディナー定食, 저녁정식
Dinner Set Meal has main dish with, miso soup, pickles etc.
C 1
Tonkatsu Bento     
P 330
pork loin bento
トンカツ弁当 / 돈까스 도시락
C 2
Shougayaki Bento     
P 280
ginger‐fried pork
ショウガ焼き弁当 / 돼지생강구이 도시락
C 3
Tempura Bento     
P 330
tempura bento
天ぷら弁当 / 덴프라 도시락
C 4
Karaage Bento     
P 280
deep‐fried chicken
唐揚げ弁当 / 카라아게 도시락
C 5
Grilled Saury Teishoku     
P 300
grilled saury with rice
サンマ焼き定食 / 꽁치구이 정식
C 6
Jeyuk-Bokkeum Teishoku     
P 300
spicy stir-fried pork with vegetable and rice
豚肉ピリ辛炒め定食 / 제육볶음정식
C 7
P 300
soy marinated shrimp with rice
醤油漬けエビ定食 / 간장새우정식
C 8
Nagasaki Champon Teishoku     
P 300
most popular Ramen in the Nagasaki region
長崎チャンポン定食 / 나가사키 짬뽕정식
C 9
Shiromi-zakana Teishoku     
P 300
fried white fish with rice
白身魚フライ定食 / 생선까스 정식
C 10
Rosukatsu Teishoku     
P 350
pork loin cutlet with rice
ロースカツ定食 / 로스까스 정식
C 11
Rosukatsu Hotate Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2 scallops with rice
ロースカツホタテ定食 / 로스까스 가리비 정식
C 12
Rosukatsu croquettes Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2croquettes with rice
ロースカツ・コロッケ定食 / 로스까스 고로케 정식
C 13
Rosukatsu Shiromizakan Teishoku     
P 400
pork loin cutlet & fried white fish with rice
ロースカツと白身魚フライ定食 / 로스까스 생선튀김 정식
C 14
Buta Karubi Teishoku     
P 470
grilled pork with rice
豚カルビ定食 / 돼지갈비 정식
C 15
Shiromi-zakana Croquettes Teishoku     
P 470
fried white fish & 2croquettes with rice
白身魚フライコロッケ定食 / 생선까스 고로케 정식
C 16
Shiromi-zakana Ebi Teishoku     
P 500
fried white fish & 2shrimps with rice
白身魚フライとエビフライ定食 / 생선까스 새우튀김 정식
C 17
Tempura Teishoku     
P 500
Tempura (deep-fried shrimp and vegetable) with rice
天ぷら定食 / 덴프라 정식
C 18
Yakiniku Teishoku     
P 600
roasted beef with rice
焼肉定食 / 야키니쿠 정식
C 19
Bulgogi Teishoku     
P 570
stewed Beef with Rice (Korean Dish)
プルゴギ定食 / 뚝배기불고기 정식
C 20
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku     
P 680
pork loin cutlet & 2 big shimps with rice
ロースカツとジャンボエビ・フライ定食 / 로스까스 새우 정식
Combination Set Meal / コンビネーション定食
C 21
Soba Teishoku     
P 520
soba, 2sashimi, 5sushi
そば、刺身2、寿司5 / 소바, 사시미2, 스시5
C 22
Udon Teishoku     
P 520
udon, 2sashimi, 5sushi
うどん、刺身2、寿司5 / 우동, 사시미2, 스시5
Fried Rice / チャーハン
C 23
Chicken Chahan     
P 250
Chicken fried rice
チキンチャーハン / 치킨볶음밥
C 24
Kaisen Chahan     
P 300
seafood fried rice
海鮮チャーハン / 해물볶음밥
Tonkatsu Bento
Shougayaki Bento
Tempura Bento
Grilled Saury Teishoku
Buta Karubi Teishoku
Bulgogi Teishoku
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku
Udon Teishoku
Kaisen Chahan
You can upgrade your plain rice to a stone-roasted rice(Ishiyaki Rice), just add P50.
Tempura & Agemono  / 天ぷら・揚げ物, 덴프라・튀김
deep-fried vegetables or seafood in a light, distinctive batter.
D 1
P 250
deep‐fried chicken
鶏の唐揚げ / 프라이드치킨
D 2
Ebi Kushiage     
P 280
deep‐fried shrimp(1 piece)
エビ串揚げ / 새우 쿠시아게
D 3
Ebi Kurimu Croquette     
P 250
shrimp cream croquette
エビ・クリームのコロッケ / 새우크림고로케
D 4
Asupara Bekonmaki Kushiage     
P 220
asparagus wrapped in bacon on a stick(1 piece)
アスパラベーコン巻串揚げ / 아스파라거스 베이컨말이
D 5
Aji Furai     
P 200
fried tamarong fish
アジフライ / 전갱이 튀김
D 6
Jagaimo Croquette     
P 200
Potato Croquette
ジャガイモ・コロッケ / 감자 고로케
D 7
Kaisen Tempura Moriawase     
P 620
assorted deep fried seafood
海鮮天ぷら盛り合わせ / 해산물덴프라모듬
D 8
Tempura Moriawase     
P 820
assorted deep fried fish, shrimps and vegetables
天ぷら盛り合わせ / 덴프라모듬
Tempura a-la carte / 天ぷら1種, 덴프라 1종
D 9
Jambo-Ebi Tempura     
P 460
deep fried big shrimp
ジャンボエビ天ぷら / 왕새우덴프라
D 10
Shiromi-zakana Tempura     
P 210
deep fried white fish
白身魚天ぷら / 흰살생선덴프라
D 11
Hotate Tempura     
P 220
deep fried scallop
ホタテ天ぷら / 가리비덴프라
Ebi Kushiage
Kaisen Tempura Moriawase
Tempura Moriawase
Jambo-Ebi Tempura
Tonkatsu  / とんかつ, 돈까스
Tonkatsu is a breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet.
E 1
P 250
pork loin cutlet
ロースカツ / 로스까스
E 2
Orosi katsu     
P 280
pork loin with Japan dressing
オロシカツ / 오로시까스
E 3
Shirozakana Croquette     
P 400
white fish and 2 croquettes
白身魚とコロッケ2つ / 흰살생선과 고로케2개
E 4
Rosu Jambo-Ebi     
P 580
pork loin and 2 big shrimps
ロースとジャンボエビ2つ / 로스까스 왕새우2마리
E 5
Rosu Hotate     
P 450
pork loin and 2 mizuhopectens
ロースとホタテ2つ / 로스까스 가리비2개
E 6
Rosu Croquette     
P 400
pork loin & 2 croquettes
ロースとコロッケ2つ / 로스까스 고로케2개
E 7
Rosu Shiromi-zakana     
P 300
pork loin and white fish
ロースと白身魚 / 로스까스 흰살생선
E 8
Shirozakana Jamboebi     
P 450
white fish and 2 big shrimps
白身魚とジャンボエビ2つ / 흰살생선과 왕새우2마리
E 9
Tonkatsu Moriawase     
P 820
pork loin,2shrimps,2mizuhopectens,2croquettes
ロース,エビ2,ホタテ2,コロッケ2 / 믹스돈까스
Orosi katsu
Shirozakana Croquette
Rosu Jambo-Ebi
Tonkatsu Moriawase
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
Yakimono  / 焼き物, 구운요리
grilled skewers and pan-fried dishes
F 1
Sanma Yaki     
P 200
grilled saury
サンマ焼き / 꽁치구이
F 2
Hamachi Kama Shio-yaki     
P 350
grilled yellowtail kama and head with salt
ハマチカマの塩焼き / 방어머리 소금구이
F 3
Shima-aji Kama Sio-yaki     
P 200
grilled pseudocaranx dentex kama and head with salt
シマアジカマの塩焼き / 줄전갱이머리 소금구이
F 4
Sake Kama Shio-yaki     
P 350
grilled salmon kama and head with salt
サケカマの塩焼き / 연어머리 소금구이
F 5
Teppan Buta Karubi     
P 350
grilled pork on a hot plate
鉄板豚カルビ / 철판돼지갈비
F 6
Buta Shoga-yaki     
P 200
ginger‐fried pork
豚生姜焼き / 돼지생강구이
F 7
Yakiniku Teppan-yaki     
P 690
roasted beef on a hot plate
焼肉鉄板焼き / 야키니쿠 철판구이
Sanma Yaki
Hamachi Kama Shio-yaki
Shima-aji Kama Sio-yaki
Teppan Buta Karubi
Yakiniku Teppan-yaki
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
Nabemono & Suimono  / お鍋料理, 찌게 탕
Nabemono & Suimonoお鍋料理- ebisuya japanese restaurant at cebu
G 1
Nagasaki Champon     
P 280
most popular Ramen in the Nagasaki region
長崎チャンポン / 나가사키짬뽕
G 2
Okoge Nabe     
P 300
burnt rice with many ingredients
おこげ鍋 / 누룽지탕
G 3
P 480
pot of assorted seafood and vegetables
寄せ鍋 / 해물모듬냄비
G 4
P 620
pot of sliced beef and assorted vegetables
すき焼き / 스키야키
G 5
Tukbaegi Bulgogi     
P 480
stewed Beef (Korean Dish)
土鍋プルコギ / 뚝배기 불고기
G 6
P 380
chicken and vegetables in pot
水炊き / 닭한마리
G 7
Wakame Soup     
P 250
seaweed soup
ワカメスープ / 미역국
G 8
P 100
soup made with miso dissolved in dashi
味噌汁 / 일식 된장국
G 9
P 130
miso soup with pork
豚汁 / 돼지고기국
G 10
Lapu-Lapu Maeun-tang (2-3 persons)     
P 1,500
hot spicy Lapu-Lapu fish soup with vegetables
ラプラプの辛味スープ(メウンタン) / 통매운탕(2-3인용)
Nagasaki Champon
Okoge Nabe
Lapu-Lapu Maeun-tang (2-3 persons)
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
A la carte dish  / 一品料理, 단품요리
This is usually served as a separate dish.
H 1
P 250
Spicy stir-fried pork with vegetable
豚肉ピリ辛炒め / 제육볶음
H 2
Ebi Chili Sauce     
P 250
fried shrimp with chili sauce
エビチリソース / 새우 칠리
H 3
Yaki Gyoza     
P 240
Japanese pan-fried dumplings
焼き餃子 / 군만두
H 4
Kaisen Chijimi     
P 250
seafood korean pan cake
海鮮チヂミ / 해물파전
H 5
Ebi Mayonnaise Sauce     
P 250
fried shrimp with mayonnaise sauce
エビマヨ / 새우 마요네즈 소스
H 6
Age-Dashi Tofu     
P 220
battered tofu with tempura sauce
揚げ出し豆腐 / 두부튀김
H 7
P 200
potato starch noodles with vegetables
チャプチェ / 잡채
H 8
P 200
spicy korean rice cake
トッポキ / 떡볶이
H 9
Asupara Butabara Maki     
P 240
sliced pork belly with asparagus
アスパラ豚バラ巻 / 아스파라거스 삼겹살말이
H 10
Tomato Butabara Maki     
P 200
tomato rolled with pork belly
トマト豚バラ巻 / 토마토 삼겹살말이
H 11
Nasu Butabara Maki     
P 150
eggplant rolled with pork belly
なす豚バラ巻 / 가지 삼겹살말이
H 12
P 200
pot-steamed egg
韓国風茶碗蒸し / 계란찜
H 13
P 250
Shrimp Marinated in Soy Sauce
エビの醤油漬け / 새우장
H 14
Buta Galbijjim     
P 520
beef rib stew in soy sauce
豚カルビチム / 돼지갈비찜
Ebi Chili Sauce
Yaki Gyoza
Kaisen Chijimi
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
Noodle, Rice & Bowls  / 麺類、ご飯 、どんぶり
Japanese noodle like soba,udon, fried rice & bowl of rice with food on top
I 1
Zaru Soba     
P 320
cold refreshing buck wheat noodles
ざるそば / 자루소바
I 2
Zaru Udon     
P 320
Chilled Udon Noodles
ざるうどん / 자루우동
I 3
P 300
a bowl of rice with a breaded cutlet of pork
カツ丼 / 돈까스덮밥
I 4
P 250
a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs
親子丼 / 닭고기덮밥
I 5
Kaisen Chahan     
P 300
seafood fried rice
海鮮チャーハン / 해물볶음밥
I 6
Chicken Chahan     
P 250
Chicken fried rice
チキンチャーハン / 치킨볶음밥
I 7
P 300
a bowl of rice topped with tempura
天丼 / 튀김덮밥
I 8
Tempura Udon     
P 420
udon noodles in bowl with tempura
天ぷらうどん / 덴프라우동
I 9
Tempura Soba     
P 420
soba noodles in bowl with tempura
天ぷらそば / 덴프라소바
I 10
P 300
japanese noodle with stir-fried vegetable
炒めうどん / 볶음 우동
I 11
Sara Udon     
P 300
Fried noodles smothered in a lot of vegetable
皿うどん / 나가사키 사라우동
I 12
P 60
japanese boiled rice
ライス / 공기밥
I 13
Ishiyaki Rice     
P 90
stone-roasted rice
石焼ライス / 돌솥밥
Zaru Soba
Zaru Udon
Ishiyaki Rice
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
Salad  / サラダ, 샐러드
select one from ①Original,②Caesar,③Yogurt,④Balsamico salad dressing
J 1
Kaisen Salada     
P 250
seefood salad
海鮮サラダ / 해물샐러드
J 2
Gobou Tohu Sarada     
P 350
burdock and tofu salad
こぼうと豆腐サラダ / 우엉 두부샐러드
J 3
Chicken Salada     
P 250
Chicken salad
チキンサラダ / 치킨샐러드
J 4
Salmon Salada     
P 250
Salmon Salada
サーモンサラダ / 연어샐러드
J 5
Yasai Sarada     
P 200
vegetable salad
野菜サラダ / 야채샐러드
Kaisen Salada
Gobou Tohu Sarada
Chicken Salada
Salmon Salada
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
Sushi & Roll  / 寿司・ロール, 스시・롤
Sushi is a vinegared rice topped or mixed with various fresh seafood or vegetables.
K 1
Sushi Moriawase Nijukan     
P 1,500
assorted sushi 20 pieces
お寿司盛り合わせ 20貫 / 스시 모듬 20종
K 2
Sushi Moriawase Jukan     
P 820
assorted sushi 10 pieces
お寿司盛り合わせ 10貫 / 스시 모듬 10종
K 3
Sushi Moriawase Hakkan     
P 720
assorted sushi 8 pieces
お寿司盛り合わせ 8貫 / 스시 모듬 8종
K 4
California Roru     
P 380
california roll
カリフォルニア ロール / 캘리포니아롤
K 5
Salmon Roru     
P 420
salmon roll
サーモンロール / 연어롤
K 6
Tonkatsu Roru     
P 260
pork loin Roll
トンカツロール / 돈까스롤
K 7
Natto Maki     
P 180
fermented soybeans sushi roll
納豆巻 / 낫토마끼
K 8
Kappa Maki     
P 140
cucumber roll
かっぱ巻 / 오이마끼
Sushi 2 pieces / 寿司2貫, 스시 2점
K 9
Lapu-Lapu Sushi     
P 150
lapu-lapu fish
ラプラプ寿司 / 다금바리 스시
K 10
Shima-aji Sushi     
P 320
striped jack
シマアジ寿司 / 줄전갱이 스시
K 11
Hamachi Sushi     
P 280
yellow tail
ハマチ寿司 / 방어스시
K 12
Salmon Sushi     
P 320
サーモン寿司 / 연어스시
K 13
P 280
sweet shrimp
甘海老寿司 / 단새우스시
K 14
Uni Sushi     
P 280
sea urchin
ウニ寿司 / 성게스시
K 15
Uni Ika     
P 320
squid and sea urchin roll
ウニとイカ / 성게와 오징어
Sushi Moriawase Nijukan
Sushi Moriawase Jukan
Sushi Moriawase Hakkan
California Roru
Salmon Sushi
Sashimi  / 刺身, 사시미/회
sliced raw fish or shellfish served with soy sauce and wasabi.
L 1
Sashimi Moriawase Juten     
P 1,500
assortment of 10 varieties of sliced raw fish
刺身盛り合わせ 10点 / 모듬회 10종
L 2
Sashimi Moriawase Nanaten     
P 720
assortment of 7 varieties of sliced raw fish
刺身盛り合わせ 7点 / 모듬회 7종
L 3
Sashimi Moriawase Goten     
P 520
assortment of 5 varieties of sliced raw fish
刺身盛り合わせ 5点 / 모듬회 5종
L 4
Sashimi Moriawase Santen     
P 320
assortment of 3 varieties of sliced raw fish
刺身盛り合わせ3点 / 모듬회 3종
L 5
Spiny Lobster Sashimi     
Market Price
One of the most delicious kind of Lobster
伊勢海老 / 스피니 랍스터
L 6
Market Price
Crab serves as a dish in several different ways
アリマゴ / 알리망오
L 7
Jumbo-Ebi Sashimi     
Market Price
Jumbo Shrimp
ジャンボエビ刺身 / 왕새우회
Sashimi 5 pieces / 刺身1種 5切れ、회 1종 5점
L 8
Lapu-Lapu Sashimi     
P 200
lapu-lapu fish
ラプラプ刺身 / 다금바리 회
L 9
Shima-Aji Sashimi     
P 580
striped jack
シマアジ刺身 / 줄전갱이회
L 10
Hamachi Sashimi     
P 480
ハマチ刺身 / 방어회
L 11
Salmon Sashimi     
P 420
サーモン刺身 / 연어회
L 12
Uni Sashimi     
P 200
sea urchin
ウニ刺身 / 성게회
L 13
Ama-Ebi Sashimi     
P 250
sweet shrimp
甘海老刺身 / 단새우회
L 14
Kou-Ika Sashimi     
P 200
コウイカ / 갑오징어회
L 15
Tako Sashimi     
P 200
Parboiled Octopus
茹でタコ刺身 / 문어숙회
Sashimi Moriawase Juten
Sashimi Moriawase Nanaten
Spiny Lobster Sashimi
Jumbo-Ebi Sashimi
Service Charge 10% Excluded. (別途サービス料10%頂戴致します。서비스요금10%는 별도입니다)
Drinks  / ドリンクとお酒, 음료수와 술
juice, beer, whisky, sake, wine
Soft Drinks
M1 Coke
コカコーラ / 코카콜라
P 50
M2 Coke Light
コカコーラ・ライト / 코카콜라 라이트
P 50
M3 Sprite
スプライト / 스프라이트
P 50
M4 Tonic Water
トニックウォーター / 토닉워터
P 80
M5 Mineral Water
ミネラルウォーター / 미네랄워터
P 40
M6 Sparkling Water
スパークリングウォーター / 탄산수
P 80
Fresh Juices and Shakes
M7 Ice Tea
アイスティー / 아이스티
P 50
M8 Orange Juice(100%)
オレンジジュース / 오렌지쥬스
P 200
M9 Pineapple Juice
パイナップルジュース / 파인애플쥬스
P 130
M10 Mango Juice
マンゴジュース / 망고쥬스
P 130
M11 Watermelon Juice
ウォーターメロンジュース / 수박쥬스
P 130
M12 Calamansi Juice
カラマンシージュース / 깔라만시쥬스
P 100
M13 Apple Juice
アップルジュース / 애플쥬스
P 150
M14 Pineapple Shake
パイナップルシェイク / 파인애플쉐이크
P 140
M15 Mango Shake
マンゴーシェイク / 망고쉐이크
P 140
M16 strawberry shake
ストロベリー / 딸기쉐이크
P 140
M17 San Miguel Pilsen
サンミゲル・ピルセン / 산미구엘 필센
P 60
M18 San Miguel Light
サンミゲル・ライト / 산미구엘 라이트
P 60
M19 Asahi Super Dry
アサヒスーパードライ / 아사히 슈퍼드라이
P 200
M20 Kirin Ichiban Shibori
キリン一番搾り / 기린 이치방 시보리
P 150
Sake & Sho-Chu(Soju)
M21 Tanrei Junmai (180ml)
from rice, 淡麗純米 / 탄레이 준마이
P 220
M22 Gekkeikan(180ml)
from rice, 月桂冠 / 겟케이칸
P 250
M23 Nama Sake (bottle, 300ml)
from rice, 生酒(大関) / 나마사케
P 330
M24 Kuro Kirishima(bottle, 900ml)
from popato, 黒霧島 / 쿠로키리시마
P 1,350
M25 Aka Kirishima(bottle, 900ml)
from potato, 赤霧島 / 아카키리시마
P 1,450
M26 Echiko(bottle, 900ml)
from burry, いいちこ / 이이치코
P 1,350
M27 Choya Umeshu(a shot, 200)
from plum, チョーヤ梅酒 / 쵸야 우메슈
P 200
M28 JINRO(bottle, 750ml)
P 500
M29 Jinro Chamisul(bottle, 360ml)
眞露 チャミスル / 진로 참이슬
P 250
M30 Chum Churum(bottle, 360ml)
韓国焼酎 チョウムチョロム / 처음처럼
P 250
M31 Bohae Bokbunja(bottle, 375ml)
宝海のボクブンジャ(クマイチゴ) / 보해 복분자
P 600
with Sho-Chu(Soju)
M32 Soda water
ソーダウォーター / 소다워터
P 100
M33 Oolong Tea
ウローン茶 / 우롱차
P 150
M34 Calamansi
カラマンシー / 깔라만시
P 50
M35 Errazuriz Estate Chardonnay / White
P 1,100
M36 Santa Rosa Chardonnay/White Wines
P 850
M37 Wyndham Estate Bin 555/Red Wines
P 1,600
M38 Santa Ana/Red Wines
P 1,300
M39 House Wine / Terra Vega / Red Wine
P 200
Lunch Set Meal  / ランチ定食, 런치정식
Lunch Set Meal has main dish with, miso soup, pickles etc.
N 1
Tonkatsu Bento     
P 330
pork loin bento
トンカツ弁当 / 돈까스 도시락
N 2
Shougayaki Bento     
P 280
ginger‐fried pork and miso soup
ショウガ焼き弁当 / 돼지생강구이 도시락
N 3
Tempura Bento     
P 330
tenpura bento
天ぷら弁当 / 덴프라 도시락
N 4
Karaage Bento     
P 280
deep fried chicken
唐揚げ弁当 / 카라아게 도시락
N 5
Grilled Saury Teishoku     
P 250
grilled saury with rice
サンマ焼き定食 / 꽁치구이 정식
N 6
Jeyuk-Bokkeum Teishoku     
P 300
spicy stir-fried pork with vegetable and rice
豚肉ピリ辛炒め定食 / 제육볶음정식
N 7
P 300
soy marinated shrimp with rice
醤油漬けエビ定食 / 간장새우정식
N 8
Nagasaki Champon Teishoku     
P 300
most popular Ramen in the Nagasaki region
長崎チャンポン定食 / 나가사키 짬뽕정식
N 9
Shiromi-zakana Teishoku     
P 300
fried white fish with rice
白身魚フライ定食 / 생선까스 정식
N 10
Rosukatsu Teishoku     
P 350
pork loin cutlet with rice
ロースカツ定食 / 로스까스 정식
N 11
Rosukatsu Hotate Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2 scallops with rice
ロースカツホタテ定食 / 로스까스 가리비 정식
N 12
Rosukatsu Croquette Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2croquettes with rice
ロースカツコロッケ定食 / 로스까스 고로케 정식
N 13
Rosukatsu Shiromizakan Teishoku     
P 400
pork loin cutlet & fried white fish with rice
ロースカツと白身魚フライ定食 / 로스까스 생선튀김 정식
N 14
Buta Karubi Teishoku     
P 520
grilled pork with rice
豚カルビ定食 / 돼지갈비 정식
N 15
Shiromi-zakana Croquette Teishoku     
P 420
fried white fish & 2croquettes rice
白身魚フライ・コロッケ定食 / 생선까스 고로케 정식
N 16
Shiromi-zakana Ebi Teishoku     
P 620
fried white fish & 2shrimps with rice
白身魚フライとジャンボエビフライ定食 / 생선까스새우정식
N 17
Tempura Teishoku     
P 450
Tempura with rice
天ぷら定食 / 덴프라 정식
N 18
Yakiniku Teishoku     
P 600
roasted beef with rice
焼肉定食 / 야키니쿠 정식
N 19
Bulgogi Teishoku     
P 520
stewed Beef with Rice (Korean Dish)
プルゴギ定食 / 뚝배기불고기 정식
N 20
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku     
P 680
pork loin cutlet & 2 big shimps with rice
ロースカツとジャンボエビ・フライ定食 / 로스까스새우정식
Combination Set Meal / コンビネーション定食
N 21
Soba Teishoku     
P 490
soba, 2sashimi, 5sushi
そば、刺身2、寿司5 / 소바, 사시미2, 스시5
N 22
Udon Teishoku     
P 490
udon, 2sashimi, 5sushi
うどん、刺身2、寿司5 / 우동, 사시미2, 스시5
Fried Rice / チャーハン
N 23
Chicken Chahan     
P 250
chicken fried rice
チキンチャーハン / 치킨볶음밥
N 24
Kaisen Chahan     
P 300
seafood fried rice
海鮮チャーハン / 해물볶음밥
Salad / サラダ
N 25
Kaisen Salada     
P 250
seafood salad
海鮮サラダ / 해물샐러드
N 26
Chicken Salada     
P 250
Chicken salad
チキンサラダ / 치킨샐러드
N 27
Sake soboro salad     
P 250
Salmon minced salad
鮭そぼろサラダ / 연어소보로 샐러드
Tonkatsu Bento
Shougayaki Bento
Tempura Bento
Grilled Saury Teishoku
Buta Karubi Teishoku
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku
Udon Teishoku
Kaisen Chahan
Service Charge 10% Excluded. (別途サービス料10%頂戴致します。서비스요금10%는 별도입니다)
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