EBISUYA is for your wonderful dining experience with Seafood & Japanese cuisine.
A la carte dish  / 一品料理, 단품요리
This is usually served as a separate dish.
H 1
P 250
Spicy stir-fried pork with vegetable
豚肉ピリ辛炒め / 제육볶음
H 2
Ebi Chili Sauce     
P 250
fried shrimp with chili sauce
エビチリソース / 새우 칠리
H 3
Yaki Gyoza     
P 240
Japanese pan-fried dumplings
焼き餃子 / 군만두
H 4
Kaisen Chijimi     
P 250
seafood korean pan cake
海鮮チヂミ / 해물파전
H 5
Ebi Mayonnaise Sauce     
P 250
fried shrimp with mayonnaise sauce
エビマヨ / 새우 마요네즈 소스
H 6
Age-Dashi Tofu     
P 220
battered tofu with tempura sauce
揚げ出し豆腐 / 두부튀김
H 7
P 200
potato starch noodles with vegetables
チャプチェ / 잡채
H 8
P 200
spicy korean rice cake
トッポキ / 떡볶이
H 9
Asupara Butabara Maki     
P 240
sliced pork belly with asparagus
アスパラ豚バラ巻 / 아스파라거스 삼겹살말이
H 10
Tomato Butabara Maki     
P 200
tomato rolled with pork belly
トマト豚バラ巻 / 토마토 삼겹살말이
H 11
Nasu Butabara Maki     
P 150
eggplant rolled with pork belly
なす豚バラ巻 / 가지 삼겹살말이
H 12
P 200
pot-steamed egg
韓国風茶碗蒸し / 계란찜
H 13
P 250
Shrimp Marinated in Soy Sauce
エビの醤油漬け / 새우장
H 14
Buta Galbijjim     
P 520
beef rib stew in soy sauce
豚カルビチム / 돼지갈비찜
Ebi Chili Sauce
Yaki Gyoza
Kaisen Chijimi
The image of upper pictures may be different from the original products.
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