EBISUYA is for your wonderful dining experience with Seafood & Japanese cuisine.
Dinner Set Meal  / ディナー定食, 저녁정식
Dinner Set Meal has main dish with, miso soup, pickles etc.
C 1
Tonkatsu Bento     
P 330
pork loin bento
トンカツ弁当 / 돈까스 도시락
C 2
Shougayaki Bento     
P 280
ginger‐fried pork
ショウガ焼き弁当 / 돼지생강구이 도시락
C 3
Tempura Bento     
P 330
tempura bento
天ぷら弁当 / 덴프라 도시락
C 4
Karaage Bento     
P 280
deep‐fried chicken
唐揚げ弁当 / 카라아게 도시락
C 5
Grilled Saury Teishoku     
P 300
grilled saury with rice
サンマ焼き定食 / 꽁치구이 정식
C 6
Jeyuk-Bokkeum Teishoku     
P 300
spicy stir-fried pork with vegetable and rice
豚肉ピリ辛炒め定食 / 제육볶음정식
C 7
P 300
soy marinated shrimp with rice
醤油漬けエビ定食 / 간장새우정식
C 8
Nagasaki Champon Teishoku     
P 300
most popular Ramen in the Nagasaki region
長崎チャンポン定食 / 나가사키 짬뽕정식
C 9
Shiromi-zakana Teishoku     
P 300
fried white fish with rice
白身魚フライ定食 / 생선까스 정식
C 10
Rosukatsu Teishoku     
P 350
pork loin cutlet with rice
ロースカツ定食 / 로스까스 정식
C 11
Rosukatsu Hotate Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2 scallops with rice
ロースカツホタテ定食 / 로스까스 가리비 정식
C 12
Rosukatsu croquettes Teishoku     
P 450
pork loin cutlet & 2croquettes with rice
ロースカツ・コロッケ定食 / 로스까스 고로케 정식
C 13
Rosukatsu Shiromizakan Teishoku     
P 400
pork loin cutlet & fried white fish with rice
ロースカツと白身魚フライ定食 / 로스까스 생선튀김 정식
C 14
Buta Karubi Teishoku     
P 470
grilled pork with rice
豚カルビ定食 / 돼지갈비 정식
C 15
Shiromi-zakana Croquettes Teishoku     
P 470
fried white fish & 2croquettes with rice
白身魚フライコロッケ定食 / 생선까스 고로케 정식
C 16
Shiromi-zakana Ebi Teishoku     
P 500
fried white fish & 2shrimps with rice
白身魚フライとエビフライ定食 / 생선까스 새우튀김 정식
C 17
Tempura Teishoku     
P 500
Tempura (deep-fried shrimp and vegetable) with rice
天ぷら定食 / 덴프라 정식
C 18
Yakiniku Teishoku     
P 600
roasted beef with rice
焼肉定食 / 야키니쿠 정식
C 19
Bulgogi Teishoku     
P 570
stewed Beef with Rice (Korean Dish)
プルゴギ定食 / 뚝배기불고기 정식
C 20
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku     
P 680
pork loin cutlet & 2 big shimps with rice
ロースカツとジャンボエビ・フライ定食 / 로스까스 새우 정식
Combination Set Meal / コンビネーション定食
C 21
Soba Teishoku     
P 520
soba, 2sashimi, 5sushi
そば、刺身2、寿司5 / 소바, 사시미2, 스시5
C 22
Udon Teishoku     
P 520
udon, 2sashimi, 5sushi
うどん、刺身2、寿司5 / 우동, 사시미2, 스시5
Fried Rice / チャーハン
C 23
Chicken Chahan     
P 250
Chicken fried rice
チキンチャーハン / 치킨볶음밥
C 24
Kaisen Chahan     
P 300
seafood fried rice
海鮮チャーハン / 해물볶음밥
Tonkatsu Bento
Shougayaki Bento
Tempura Bento
Grilled Saury Teishoku
Buta Karubi Teishoku
Bulgogi Teishoku
Rosukatsu Ebi Teishoku
Udon Teishoku
Kaisen Chahan
You can upgrade your plain rice to a stone-roasted rice(Ishiyaki Rice), just add P50.
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